Though some results remain outstanding, Donald Trump will become the first President in over a hundred years to win non-consecutive terms in the American Presidency. He will also become the first Republican President to win the Electoral College and the Popular vote since George H.W. Bush in 1988. All told Donald Trump will have won 312 electoral college votes, the most of any President since Barrack Obama’s historic victory in 2008.
Category: Offsite Publication
Pieces written for offsite publication will appear in the Idaho State Journal, The American Thinker, online and in print, etc.
Election 2024: Final Thoughts
The 2024 election is finally upon us, and I’m sure you’re likely as tired or politics-weary as any of us. To the chagrin of the left spectrum and the delight of Idaho’s majority, it appears that Donald Trump may be on his way to his best electoral performance yet. Don’t get comfortable; vote and take five friends with you to vote on Tuesday, November 5th.
By Crook or By Crook: Proposition 1
A common refrain when referring to a determined but immoral opposition is “by hook or by crook.” We understand this to be synonymous with “by any means necessary.” It leaves open the possibility that the subject will try to accomplish their goals by legitimate means before resorting to below-board or unsavory means. I posit to you that Democrats aren’t versed in the way of the hook and only operate by the crook.
Rubber, Meet Road
When one holds a grievance and levies a complaint, they are compelled to take action or risk being nothing more than a whiner. If you are familiar with my columns, you will know that a frequent complaint I’ve registered is the closed nature of the Bannock County Republican Party, but more so, the closed nature of the GOP as a whole. By closed, I am referring to a party that disempowers its most active adherents, the grassroots.
These Unchallenged Voices
You may recognize the weekly grievances of the ousted political class, broadcast in the pages and airwaves of the local and corporate press. They sound something like this… “dictator this.. fascist that.. homophobe.. white supremacist.. yada yada.” Believe it or not, I count this a victory. When your opposition fails in its message, it sinks into impugning your character. This suggests that our message is winning and resonates with others. Our like-minded tribe has doubled in size, and the conservatives of Bannock County are finding a voice opposing the previously unchallenged voices of the political class.
Kindness & Fake Hate
Of course, the opposite of kindness is hatefulness, and just as we have campaigns to promote kindness, we have campaigns against hate. They are two sides of the same coin and are designed to set the boundaries of acceptable thought. Indeed, an entire category of crimes has been invented to criminalize hate. Why does this matter? If opposition to the solutions of your political opponent can rise to the level of the criminal, the force of the state is a powerful deterrent to those remaining dissenters who refuse to concede to kindness. It is already deemed unkind not to satiate the delusions of gender dysphoria. It is not inconceivable to imagine a world where the promotion of the traditional family and protection of children from adult sexuality is deemed hateful and rises to the level of a hate crime.
Ye Olde Guard
Last week, I received a publication in the mail called the Idaho Bulletin. It consists of a hodge podge of anti-grassroots conservatism claiming to be the true voice of conservatism. Emblazoned on the back is a menacing political cartoon of a sinister female elephant lording over a half dozen minuscule male elephants, and it is clearly designed to attack Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon. In typical Ye Olde Guard misogynist fashion, the woman is nefarious, and the lowly men are at the mercy of Queen Pacyderm.
Weeding Out The Frauds
A recent study by the Institute For Legislative Analysis, an offshoot of the American Conservative Union, suggests that though a Republican Super Majority technically holds Idaho’s legislature, it is actually controlled in the Senate by Democrat-leaning legislators and maintains a much smaller majority in the House than Party affiliation suggests. When paired with Idaho’s significant registration crossover, whereby unaffiliated and Democrat voters cross the political aisle to have an undue influence in Republican Party politics, the ability of the Idaho Republican Party to adequately represent shared conservative beliefs is significantly hampered
The Deceit of Open Primaries
Because of the stark contrast in belief systems between conservatives and progressives, the Idaho Republican Party has made every effort to require some commonality in beliefs so that Republican voters can be assured that the Republican label will only be used to promote mutually agreed upon conservative policy. This is why, in 2011, the Idaho legislature enacted legislation that leaves the option of closed or open primaries to the voting party. The Idaho Democrat Party, desperate for votes, elected to open their primary. The Republican Party, wishing to narrow their numbers down to mutual belief, closed their primary.
Why A Caucus Is Right For Republicans
What advantage does a caucus hold over a primary? A caucus is hyper-local and largely removes the influence that money has on the political process. In a primary, it is often the candidate with the most money and, thus, airtime and name recognition that emerges victorious. A primary is easily bought with empty platitudes, favorable press, and deep pockets. The political class prefers primaries over caucuses. Buying exposure for one primary is much easier than buying hundreds of neighborhood caucuses where debate and deliberation take place.
Toxic Masculinity? No, Essential Masculinity
Historically, men were expected to be the bulwark against evil in society. Their biological disposition to physical strength established their duty as protectors of the tribe. Modern cultural forces desire a society that punishes virtue and rewards criminality. They intend to discourage civic goodness and promote vice. They wish to create a society where good men fail to act and allow it to be brought into submission by authoritarians.
The Origin of Gratitude
In a crazy and increasingly narcissistic world, it is easy to see things that are going wrong and fixate on them. It is not always obvious or easy to consider what is going right and practice gratitude. Our ability to most successfully navigate life hinges on the intentional practice of gratitude so that we realign our perspective with the goodness in the world.
The Bannock County Country Club
As usual, the Bannock County Republican Party was not represented in the Veterans Day Parade. Rarely are they represented in the Independence Day or Christmas Parades either. In an election year, expect to see individual cars or floats for Republican candidates, but don’t expect to see the county party represented. Why is this?
There are many potential reasons, but allow me to offer an opinion: I assert that the Bannock County Republican Party is a closed club that wields influence behind closed doors. They like how things are, and their influence dwindles because they do not empower the next generation and their grassroots.
Lessons from Italia Pt. 3 – The Greatest Country
Most interestingly, Germans are taught from a young age not to be proud of their country because of their history during World War II. This rejection of national pride seems tantamount to the modern American left’s desire to destroy American exceptionalism and mirrors their insistence that America has never been great.
Lessons From Italia Pt. 2 – It’s The Food, Stupid
Italians are known for having one of the world’s oldest populations, and their food is a big reason. The Mediterranean diet is known worldwide for being one of the healthiest you can eat, full of good fats like olive oil, and nutrient and anti-oxidant-rich products from tomatoes to wine. It is not an exaggeration to say that these staples are ubiquitous throughout Italy, and as you traverse the countryside, their hills are lined with vineyards and olive orchards.
Lessons From Italia Pt. 1 – Damnatio Memoriae
What was most notable to me was that civics is a more nuanced conversation outside of the United States, not the hyper-polarized environment we are treated to in America. This is not to say that Italy isn’t polarized; it is. This is to say that at least in history conversations, the Italians proved to be more critical thinkers than your average American. As a culture that has endured millennia and often enshrined their heroes in marble and paint, they employ the Latin phrase damnatio memoriae, which means ‘condemnation of memory.’ Italians choose not to memorialize bad leaders.
Christianity & Muscle Memory
Muscle memory or motor memory is often used to describe something repeated so often that it becomes second nature. Muscle memory comes to mind when we think of tasks like riding a bicycle. Any time something is said to be revisited without practice, it is compared to riding a bicycle. You never forget how to ride a bicycle.
Advice For Recent Graduates
The day after graduation, I had few plans for what would come next. I returned to my job as a lifeguard at the club pool for the summer. I enrolled in classes studying computer science at one of the local universities. I had no formal training in computers, programming, or engineering, but it seemed a prudent thing to do. It turns out I was a horrible programmer.
A Tale Of Two Countries
Country music presents an interesting metaphor for modern America: traditionally family and faith-oriented, now shallow and self-interested. It has always been a storytelling art form that celebrates a simpler life, God, family, and traditional morals. With the recent mainstreaming of country music came a melding of pop, rap, hypnotizing beats, and repetitive lyrics emphasizing superficial topics like sex and alcohol. I have heard it called country rap or crap, and that’s an apt description.
The Astroturfing of Generation Z
In politics, the term Astroturf refers to a contrived grassroots movement. Astroturfing is when the establishment or similar interests back a candidate or cause but deceptively hide where the support originates so that it appears as if the support is organic and composed of ordinary people. Because politicians must appeal to the sensibilities of the commoners for their votes, who better to influence them than their peers?