“I don’t want the money. I don’t want the drama. I just want to do my show. I want to have fun again.” – Dave Chappelle
When did corporations come to hate their conservative customer base? It was sometime around 2019. This isn’t a question of whether or not they do; corporations hate their conservative customer base. A 2022 Gallup poll suggests that thirty-six percent of Americans identify as conservative, and another thirty-seven percent identify as moderate. So with the possibility of ostracizing seventy-three percent of their customer base, corporations consistently offend their most ardent demographic to score points with the twenty-five percent who identify as liberals.
The first of many recent examples of corporations hating their customers came in 2019 when the Gillette brand of safety razors released a commercial showing a dad teaching his trans son how to shave. Gillette is a Proctor and Gamble brand based in Boston, Massachusetts. Historically, their advertising campaign touted Gillette as “the best a man can get.” It featured testosterone-exuding men covered in hair and needing a top-quality razor to clean up for the modern world. Now the modern world tells people that they must first take testosterone to get covered in hair, only to remove then the hair they paid to grow. Somehow, this seems like an openly naked ploy to sell more razors by killing your brand. As a response, DailyWire co-founder Jeremy Boering launched his line of razors called Jeremy’s Razors. His sales pitch is “Don’t give money to people who hate you, give it to me instead.”
Not too long after Gillette’s suicide campaign came NASCAR’s turn. If PGA golf appeals to the gentleman’s class, NASCAR is the everyman’s shtick. Fossil fuel-burning stock cars adorned with pure capitalist Americana thundering in circles like a herd of stampeding buffalo for hours on end; what could be more American? In 2010, NASCAR recruited Darrell (Bubba) Wallace, Jr. for its Drive For Diversity program. As early as 2004, there was a concerted effort to inject leftist diversity programs into bread-and-butter conservative America. It would pay dividends in 2020 during the Summer of race riots when Wallace, a half-black driver, claimed to find a noose hanging in his garage bay. This noose would garner an FBI task force and ample camera time for Wallace to adorn Black Lives Matter sponsorship. It turns out the garage pull was there for several years and had nothing to do with a noose, but the PR moment was realized.
Similar to NASCAR, all professional sports hate their fanbases and wish to shove leftist activism down their throats. During the same summer of race riots in 2020, the NFL and NBA adopted take-a-knee campaigns in the mold of controversial former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. They adorned their jerseys and helmets with Black Lives Matter regalia and even opened sporting events with “Lift Every Voice,” the black national anthem. The NFL took severe ratings hits that they would blame on the COVID pandemic, but a conservative fanbase was more than willing to sit and watch football while being a captive audience, locked in their homes. Studies have shown it was the leftist politics that turned off fans.
Following the controversial Presidential election of 2020, many conservative states, such as Georgia, moved to button up their electoral policy. The half-wits of Major League Baseball thought it would be a good idea to remove the All-Star game from black Atlanta and move it to white Denver to show the conservative Rubes who’s boss. Atlanta got the last laugh as they went on to win the World Series and garner significantly more economic opportunity as a result. Once again, leftist corporations stepped on a rake in an attempt to display vitriol for their customer base and push their leftist agenda.
Most recently, Anheuser-Busch joined the ranks of Gillette and professional sports leagues by making Dylan Mulvaney, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman, their Bud Light spokesperson. They took one of America’s most popular beer brands, typically consumed in sports bars and at sporting events, and dressed it up as a transgender woman sipping beer in a bubble bath. It was accepted as well as one might expect.
Advertising is a conversation with your customers. Imagine sitting around a table and playing cards with your crew. You’re conversing about last night’s game over a couple of beers. Out of nowhere, your wife sits at the table and interrupts the conversation to interject about the latest episode of The Bachelor. This is essentially what the left is doing by interjecting erroneous advertising where it wasn’t solicited. The truth is that it is by design.
It’s not happenstance that corporations, now run by Ivy League graduate executives, fresh out of overpriced Liberal cesspools, are killing their brands. One might even suspect that it is their mandate. It’s not hard to imagine leftist executives laughing over a Bud Light as they await the conservative backlash and tanking sales in response to their latest brainchildren.
Historically, corporations catered to their largest demographics in a capitalist system to turn the most considerable profits. To bring in new demographics, they expanded their portfolio of offerings to cater to smaller demographic groups. This is why mega-brands like Anheuser-Busch also make lines of alternative beverage products, from seltzers to craft and micro-brewed beverages. It appears as though the decision to crater conservative-specific brands is intentional.
Given the neo-Marxist postmodern campaigns in every other sector of society, from churches and schools to media, one can assume that the leftist infiltration of conservative brands comes with the same goal in mind: to kill the system. Though this neo-Marxism flew in under an identity banner, the old goal of destroying consumption units remains unchanged. For conservatives, their only recourse appears to be applying the laws of capitalism and seeking out explicitly conservative brands to patronize instead.
Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash
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I far the outrage is simply fleeeting and performtive. NFL audiences ar back, Gillette sales and profit margins have fattened. Even the stock price associated with Bud is rebounding.
This is all sadly like our far left and far right silly politics who look for outrage, feign disgust and/or sympathy and move on.
Case in point, East Palestine. In dire need of support, but the spotlight for stage has moved on.
Nobody suggested that Conservatives are good at unifying their responses. We’d all be better off if a unified SBC had held the line on Disney 25 years ago.