“You can only depend on yourself. The cavalry ain’t coming.” – Chris Gardner
By now you’ve probably all heard of the Q-anon conspiracy movement. If not, it’s this idea that in government there exist black hats and white hats, and that this good vs. evil tale as old as time is playing out before our eyes. The terms white hat and black hat refer to computer hackers, or even further back to this idea of white wizards and dark wizards in folklore. The conspiracy is based in-part on some real individual who claimed to be embedded within the Administration of Donald Trump that would drop secretive clues about behind-the-scenes ongoings that would culminate in the final overthrow of an evil cabal that runs the world. Now I am of the complete mindset that we indeed see good and evil playing out before our eyes, it has been throughout the history of mankind. I’m just not convinced that it exists in a secretive online message board format that promises someone else is working to oppose evil and I get to enjoy it as a spectator.
This Q-anon movement seems to explain in-part how a portion of the electorate was lulled into complacency leading up to the November 2020 election. While conservatives were busy preparing for elections the way they’ve always been done, lawsuits were brought, rules were changed, and hundreds of millions were poured into local elections in favorable progressive markets by private donors seeking to change the outcome. And they were largely successful. They were so successful that they were compelled to take a victory lap in TIME Magazine about it. And for their part, many conservatives clung to the idea that if they only trusted a secretive process, someone was coming to the rescue. The SCOTUS? The Insurrection Act? The Military? This reminds me of the sermon about a drowning man who prays for God to save him but refuses the boater passing by while waiting for God to show.
Conservatives by their very nature are not natural activists and prefer to be left alone. Unfortunately, the opposition never relents. The definition of progressivism demands changes in the name of progress. It is an unending process of trying to achieve better for the sake of achieving better. Progressivism never stops to evaluate the current status and ask if achieved ends are a good place to put down roots? It is because of this that conservatives can never become complacent and rest on their laurels. They are in a permanent state of defense until they can convince a greater percentage of the population that they’re in a good spot. Historically it has been said of the Church that 20% of the congregation do 80% of the heavy lifting. I’m afraid that rings true across the greater population as well. And truth be told, I cannot blame them. Politics has a tendency to attract sociopaths, who tend to be the only ones who believe themselves fit enough to rule others. Most of us just want to be left alone.
Last year when Covid-19 emerged, we found ourselves making every sort of compromise to lessen the human and economic toll of the pandemic. And now we find ourselves in an equally challenging political and ideological conflict to preserve the foundations of this country. From untethered and open borders immigration policy, to anything-goes electoral policy, to a Neo-Marxist color revolution, we are in a battle for the future of this country. There will be no Covid task force, or white-hat protagonist to save the day. The cavalry ain’t comin’! It is now up to us to get our hands dirty at every opportunity and ensure that we preserve this nation for all of us. For some, that might mean running for political office. Run for your school boards. Run for your PTA’s. Run for your local party committee slots. Run for your county commissions and city hall positions. Write your representatives and newspapers. Speak out and speak up! When those we’ve elected to represent us cease to represent us, we are left with no other choice. In whatever capacity that the Lord has gifted you, now is as great a time as any to get involved.
“Freedom isn’t free. It shouldn’t be a bragging point that “Oh, I don’t get involved in politics,” as if that makes you somehow cleaner. No, that makes you derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would have a much harder time of it if so many people didn’t insist on their right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.” ―
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