“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” ~ Friedrich August von Hayek
The world is currently facing an extinction-level event and there is only one known remedy: you must eat bugs. This is the message disseminating from the powers that be. Have you noticed a recent push to divest from animal flesh and adopt insect protein? From the Today Show to The Washington Post, the bulk of corporate media is touting the benefits and necessity of adopting entomophagy in the human diet. They say this is a necessary step in reducing the carbon footprint created and resources required in the commercial production of animal protein. This entomophagy craze just so happens to coincide with a 17-year periodical cicada emergence. So is there more to this than circumstantial timing? Is this just an extension of a 60-year war on climate, or a part of some other broader campaign?
Back in November of 2016, the World Economic Forum published an Op-Ed in Forbes Magazine titled “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.” In this piece, the WEF foreshadows a planned world where we divest from material possession and individualism in pursuit of the greater good, and we do it willingly and for our own benefit as if it was our idea all along. They depict a newly imagined utopia that is nothing more than a global vision of every failed communist society of history. This piece predates the Trump Administration and the contrived global pandemic that followed. And throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, WEF head Klaus Schwab wasted no opportunity to sell his vision of a reimagined global society that our circumstances supposedly demand. In his and other oligarch’s estimation, we must tear down the old hedonistic and capitalist system with a Great Reset of first-world societies. And every progressive state executive seemingly drew from this vision in the management of the pandemic within their borders.
The Trump Administration saw record economic and policy success. It was only in the presence of contrived global pandemic and the resulting forced lockdowns and economic suicide that our circumstances became anything other than historically great. A sound policy response would seemingly dictate that we simply return to the interrupted greatness that was in progress before the introduction of disease. Yet, a unified chorus of catch-phrases continues to proliferate through world leaders and the corporate press. They say we must accept our “new normal” and “build back better”. This vision of “better” echoes the gaslighting of the WEF Forbes piece from 2016 above, and it landed squarely in the presidential campaign slogan created by Joe Biden’s handlers. It hasn’t escaped the resulting policy prescriptions of the Biden Administration that continue to follow.
If these visionaries are to bring down the capitalist system and usher in their utopia, they must first bring down the capital. That is precisely what they are doing. Since the beginning of 2020, the government has flooded the globe with US dollars at historic and wildly inflationary rates (see fig. 1). As a response to an invented employment crisis, state and federal governments paid the labor base to stay home and not work. They permitted large corporations to post record profits, while nearly forty percent of small businesses went bankrupt from forced lockdowns. The result is a glut of consumer cash with no resulting supply of labor or products to meet the demand and the highest inflation rate since the early ’90s. You may have noticed the skyrocketing prices at the store, the gas pump, materials, or real estate. And politicians aren’t done yet.
As a part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the IRS will begin advancing unrequested Child Tax Credits on 2021 taxes in July, and direct depositing still more funds into American bank accounts. This allows them to force these funds onto the taxpayer and actually requires the taxpayer to opt-out if they prefer to defer tax credits. In a time when cash abounds with no products to meet demand, the competition for finite supply is about to ratchet up from the fourth government stimulus in just over a year. Given the Treasury’s stated goal of shifting to a digital currency, it hardly seems coincidental that while they’re inflating the dollar that they’re promoting green energy policies killing off fossil fuels and resultantly the petro-dollar.
For their part in ushering in the Great Reset, corporations have abandoned impartiality and the capitalist profit motive and in unison adopted a neo-Marxist communist philosophy. USA Today chalks this up to mere pandering for profit, but when the CEOs of corporations openly shun customers in the advancement of social agendas, one is left wondering where they expect their profit to derive from? Are they like the NBA or MLB and wash their hands of their American roots in pursuit of Chinese Communist Party contracts with the potential for five times the viewership? Were they merely content to receive essential business status during the pandemic and rake in record profits for a time while mom and pop floundered? Or is it more insidious than that and they’re active partners in the WEF vision for a Great Reset?
And what of the recent corporate real estate buying binge, outbidding private home buyers for properties? Nearly a quarter of all home purchases of late are being made at exorbitant prices by corporations that inflate market prices and further exacerbate the supply shortage. I can’t help but see the interrelatedness of housing shortages and the Biden Administration campaign to expand multi-family housing and public transportation. It’s reminiscent of the neo-Reconstruction written about here, and being sold to the masses by corporate media like Bloomberg. Remember, in 2030 you will have your housing needs met by an omnipotent state, and you will own nothing.
Is there an ideological component to the Great Reset? I am a lifelong member of the Southern Baptist Convention, which is the largest evangelical/protestant denomination in the world. I have been absent for the past decade as my family has relocated several times for work before settling out west where member churches are scarce. Yet somehow in this timeframe the convention, the churches, and the seminaries were all overrun with communist philosophy like Critical Race Theory. And this philosophy reared its head across American cultural institutions in unison. From country music to NASCAR to the evangelical churches, there is no conservative institution remaining that has not been infiltrated with this cancerous ideology.
In 2020 a contrived and primed national movement born in the wake of the Ferguson Missouri riots resurfaced with George Floyd as its martyr. This Black Lives Matter movement served as the vessel for proliferating neo-Marxist communist ideology in the mainstream conversation. Any acknowledgment of the Marxist roots of the Black Lives Matter movement has resulted in censorship, ostracism, and its critics being canceled. Dig deep enough and you will find common threads like funding from woke corporations and partisan NGOs such as George Soros’ Open Societies Foundation.
One theme that resonates in our current communist climate is connectedness and the resulting control. Communist schemes are always built on central planning, which requires access to the intricacies of the individual’s life. We see this readily in the social credit system of the Chinese Communist Party, where individual behavior is shaped by reward and punishment. The reward is found in the instant gratification afforded by connectivity like smartphones, smart speakers, and connected homes at the cost of privacy. The punishment comes in the form of public censorship and ostracism by Big Tech and Big Media, or in having your energy supplier ratchet up your thermostat remotely for the greater good. Connectivity comes at a cost. From digital currencies and cashless societies with a backdoor into your bank account, to self-driving electric cars dependent on connectivity, to Digital ID such as a Covid Passport for unfettered movement, the central theme is connectedness and the resulting control over human sovereignty.
One of the more morbid facets of this communist control scheme is the Transhumanist movement being touted by the likes of Elon Musk, among others. The Transhumanists seek to meld man and machine by integrating computers into the human brain and connecting every human mind to the cloud. If control of mankind is the cause, then access to the human mind is the ultimate prize. Musk’s current project Neuralink has been under development since around the time the WEF touted the coming utopia in 2016, and he’s not alone. Other tech companies such as Facebook are actively developing human brain interfaces as well. All of this is reminiscent of the movie The Matrix, whereby machines directly tap into the human psyche and utilize human brainpower for their own supercomputing.
Perhaps it’s merely paranoia to take the thirty thousand foot view of current affairs and see the interconnectedness of it all? That’s certainly the accusation leveled at critics of our current trajectory. Take any single pivotal moment of the past half-decade like a global pandemic, and chalk it up to a historical moment. Overlap several pivotal moments and national conversations in a short time frame and they begin to feel forced and manufactured. Identify those advancing wholesale change in response to these manufactured moments and your skepticism will rightly grow. What response does this demand? The neo-Marxists assert that it’s not enough to not be a racist, you must adopt their activism and become anti-racist. I would submit that it’s not enough to not be a communist, you must become anti-communist and anti-complacent. Our recourse under the current circumstances is to assert human sovereignty and take active steps to lessen dependencies on these control systems, whatever that may require.
“We live in a world of diverse cultures, and we know very little about social engineering and how to ‘build nations.’ And when we cannot be sure how to improve the world, hubristic visions pose a grave danger.” – Joseph Nye
Photo Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/e6Sl-dFRW6c
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