If you followed Idaho politics at all, you were likely subjected to a heavy dose of soap opera-level theatrics pulled straight out of the Democrat Party’s playbook. Given the results of the primaries, it looks to have worked. No shortage of accusations of being rapist defenders, victim shamers, and white supremacists filled the Idaho airwaves and print. It was spearheaded by the establishment wing of the Idaho Republican Party.
Category: Current Affairs
My thoughts on current affairs. Most of these topics will appear here on Withdrawconsent.org, as well as online and in print at the Idaho State Journal.
Free Speech? Absolutely!
The end result of ham-fisted leftist censorship was a purge of the right wing from public debate and the rise of media and technology alternatives where ideological pariahs could speak freely. Out of this schism, Rumble, Gettr, and Truth Social were born. Free speech–supporting platforms like Gab, where the limitations of speech are the bounds of the law, saw exponential growth. This is where concern about government disinformation boards arises. If the law as written permits objectionable thought, then leftist objectors must work to prohibit that thought by law.
The Impending Economic Crash
Last month saw the U.S. Treasury yield curve invert, whereby a 2-year Treasury bond for a time delivered a higher return than a 10-year bond. Historically, this is a near one-hundred percent predictor of a recession looming within the next two years, with a greater than two-thirds chance it happens within the next year. Just this week the U.S. Commerce Department announced that the Gross Domestic Product fell by 1.4% in the first quarter of 2022. Two consecutive quarters of losses will officially mark the entrance into a recession.
How Phil McGrane Disqualifies Himself
Here in Idaho, the man who brought Facebook’s election dollars to Idaho wants to be your next secretary of state. That man is Ada County Clerk Phil McGrane. McGrane spearheaded CTCL’s campaign to inject Silicon Valley dollars into Ada County’s elections, and he encouraged all of Idaho’s counties to follow suit. What is worse is that while Ada County took nearly $500k from Mark Zuckerberg’s CTCL to administer their elections, Zuckerberg’s Meta Corporation pushed forward plans for an $800 million dollar data center in the City of Kuna within Ada County.
A Time Such As This
The Old Testament Book of Esther recounts a story from the fifth century BC during the reign of Xerxes the Great. Xerxes ruled over all of the Middle East from modern day Sudan to India. In this story, King Xerxes calls forth women from across his kingdom from which to choose a queen. Esther, whom he crowns his queen, is the adopted cousin of Mordecai, a Jewish subject in Xerxes kingdom. When Mordecai learns of a plot by Haman, a nobleman in the king’s court, to exterminate all of the Jews in the kingdom, he implores to Esther that she was placed in Xerxes palace for a time such as this in order to save her people.
Idaho’s Potential Ballot Box Problem
Idaho was handed a gift to see how loopholes were exploited around the country to drastically alter our way of life. Is there any doubt that had Donald Trump been declared the winner of the 2020 election that there would never have been vaccine mandates and the resulting Great Resignation? That our energy prices wouldn’t skyrocket because of the economic engineering of the climate priests? That Vladimir Putin wouldn’t have seen his window to mess around and find out in Ukraine? That we’d have walked away and handed tens of billions in weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan? That our border would be as porous as swiss cheese?
Beware the Black Flag
Casus belli is a Latin term that, literally translated, means a case for war. Under the Just War Theory of St. Augustine, Christians subscribe to certain conditions that must be met to make a case for righteous warfare. Just War Theory largely permits warfare in defense of oneself or the defenseless, and those who make war are keenly aware of this. This is the reason why those who desire war must often shift public sentiment in their favor by enacting subversive schemes.
Our Own Worst Enemy
I sincerely wish that every week when I sit down to put ideas to paper that all I had to do was point out the obvious insanity that is the left spectrum of politics in America. I couldn’t be so fortunate. You see, there’s this problem that consistently gets in the way, and it’s my own side. We are our own worst enemy.
Squandering Our Constitutional Inheritance
In 1984, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned that the bulk of efforts to take down America would not be done as covert espionage, but rather by ideological subversion. He goes on to explain that despite open access to an abundance of information, Americans’ perception of reality would be “so inundated with disinformation, that they are unable to discern what is necessary to protect their way of life, their country, their families, themselves, etc.” We see this now in our disassociated culture. How can a nation that doesn’t agree on objective reality like biology, come together on ethereal ideas like freedom and liberty? They cannot.
Identity Politics: They’re For The Stupid
If you oppose identity politics you will swiftly receive any number of labels that your ideological opposition can muster against you. The term Nazi comes to mind. Ironically, the Nazis specialized in identity politics. Adolf Hitler understood the power in scapegoating entire populations based on their identities and not their contributions to the world or their ideas. These people who throw around these labels so flippantly fail introspection enough to see that it is they who operate as Nazis.
Bullish on Bitcoin
I must admit that I viewed Bitcoin much the same way many investors probably view Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) now. I didn’t necessarily see the value in investing in a fiat (unbacked) currency as volatile as Bitcoin when a more stable U.S. dollar was king. The libertarians got the last laugh. Had I purchased ten thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin ten years ago, I would be sitting on nearly forty million dollars’ worth today.
Answering The Call: Idaho’s Elections
After four years of the Trump Administration and a nakedly partisan alliance between entrenched government bureaucrats, media, and Silicon Valley, main street America has been left with little choice but to fight to preserve the American inheritance that their predecessors left for them. That inheritance is not the divisive identity politics version of America that is actively being sold by the American Left. It is the classically liberal America that represents freedom and opportunity for all, however imperfect our system.
How Capitalism Went Woke
Historically, when a company has produced a game-changing product like an iPhone or a Tesla electric vehicle, the stock price has soared based on the objective value that the company has brought to the world. Now with ESG funds, a company like Nike can continue to manufacture their shoes in a foreign sweatshop, so long as they speak out against white privilege and achieve the coveted ESG label, or get bundled into larger ESG funds. A company can afford to lose a percentage of its consumer base if it can still grow by users investing in its activism.
Supply Chains: Kick Them When They’re Down
There was always going to be a correction after our ill-advised COVID retreat policies. Locking down supply chains in an attempt to run from viral contagion based on a high school experiment was never going to be without consequence. Perhaps our greatest error was allowing these policies to persist unfettered for as long as we did? Earlier course correction may have saved us from our current trajectory.
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
It’s exceedingly rare for a Georgia sports team to win a championship, and even more rare for two Georgia sports teams to win a championship in the same year. This year, the Atlanta Braves finally broke the curse and opened up the floodgates of divine favor by capturing the World Series. It’s not that I believe that God cares about sporting events, but there is more than a little bit of irony in where and how these championships came to be.
Have A Long Memory
For most of us on the right, there won’t be any forgetting about the ham-fisted political bashing the left has adopted in pushing through their insane transformational agenda. From electoral chicanery to the inhumane withholding of cheap and readily available outpatient treatment of disease, to the plague of racist and divisive social policies we’ve endured, the left spectrum makes an insufferable foxhole neighbor.
No Moderate Utopia
There is no such thing as a moderate utopia. In reality, there is no such thing as Utopia on Earth. It is the pursuit of the state of perfection. When it comes to governing, there are really only two means of pursuing perfection: either by force or by freedom.
The Next Morning
Something that I learned early on is that the drudge of American life makes it enticing to live from moment to moment. Whether it’s holiday to holiday, or season to season, there is some sense of anticipation for whatever may come next. Perhaps it’s a byproduct of the traditional American work ethic, where the hours are long and the siestas are non-existent?
The Truth & Santa Claus
When we had children, we decided that we always wanted to be in a position for them to come to us for anything, and the way that we hope to accomplish that is by always telling them the truth. This creates challenges for me when it comes to holiday traditions.
Say ‘Uncle’?
When you were a kid, the idiom “say uncle” was synonymous with tapping out of an uncomfortable situation by capitulating to the demands of your captor. Often implemented by an older sibling or friend by twisting your arm behind your back, saying “uncle” is an act of submission that demonstrates being brought under compliance. This is what your current captors demand of you.