Below is a compilation of videos on the subject of self-defense, home defense, and civilian defense in both a personal as well as a communal sense. From our American inception, we’ve organized under the banner of Liberty. Of Latin origin, Libertas, or French Liberte, means free choice. We recognize that to mean freedom to do as one chooses, freedom from bondage, and civil or political freedom. When met with challenges to the natural state, we declare our sovereignty over our lives and then work to defend that by all means necessary. We aim for non-violent civil defense but are not opposed to physical violence in defense of Life, Liberty, and Private Property. Here are some videos to further discussions on the matter.

Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

What is a Just War?

Self Defense Philosophy

Retired Navy SEAL Explains How to Prepare for Dangerous Situations | Tradecraft | WIRED

"A Time for Choosing" by Ronald Reagan

History: The American Revolution 1776 Documentary

The Second Amendment: Firearms in the U.S. | History

The Federalist No.46

The Second Amendment isn't just for muskets ft. Dana Loesch | #TruthStraightUp

17 Reasons Responsible Gun Ownership Is A Necessity

The Best Home Defense Gun

Guide to Bugging In your House for Disaster Scenario's

Concealed Carry Methods.

5 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Should Know | HER Network

What do I conceal carry? Basics of Conceal Carry

What To Do After A Self Defense Shooting - Art of Defense Ep. 12

How To Prepare For a HOME INVASION - Home Defense MASTERCLASS

DIY Perimeter Defense - Area Denial Devices

Self Defense & Home Defense Series (1 of 4) | USCCA Collaboration

7 Self Defense Go Bag Options

Survival Bugout - Survival Scenarios

Home Invasion: Defensive Measures and Responsible Gun Ownership with Sig Sauer

Responsible Concealed Carry

5 Steps for New Gun Owners | Brief Overview

A Navy SEAL Reveals Home Invasion Survival Tips

Sun Tzu - The Art of War Explained In 5 Minutes