I have said it before, but conservatives are not natural activists. By definition, they like the way things are and merely want to be left alone. Unfortunately, the political opposition does not extend the same sentiment and demands progress. Conservatives must learn to be active citizens, even if only to preserve society for their posterity.
Category: Offsite Publication
Pieces written for offsite publication will appear in the Idaho State Journal, The American Thinker, online and in print, etc.
Southeast Idaho Topics of Interest
I regularly speak with like-minded regular folk, and I’m astonished at how little those around us know about what is going on in local affairs. Things that impact them greatly are happening right here in Southeast Idaho, and too often the public is just generally unaware. The allure of ignorance is enticing, but at what cost? We have a civic duty to be informed on what is going on around us, and so here is a brief snapshot of a few ongoing topics of discussion.
The Day The Music Died
In a recent interview about the indictment of Trump by famed citizen journalist Tim Pool, former Congressman Ron Paul was asked at what point this shift to weaponized government happened. He suggested that a coup of the American government came with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and we’re still dealing with the repercussions today. If the day the music died described a loss of innocence for an American generation in the 1960s, the administration of Donald Trump became that red pill moment for many in this one.
Corporations Hate Their Conservative Customers
It’s not happenstance that corporations, now run by Ivy League graduate executives, fresh out of overpriced Liberal cesspools, are killing their brands. One might even suspect that it is their mandate. It’s not hard to imagine leftist executives laughing over a Bud Light as they await the conservative backlash and tanking sales in response to their latest brainchildren.
The Hills We Die On: HB 71
This week Idaho Governor Brad Little signed House Bill 71, titled the Vulnerable Child Protection Act. The crux of this legislation is a statewide ban on certain gender-affirming care for minors up until the age of seventeen. This gender-affirming care includes but is not limited to administering puberty blockers, hormones, and body-altering surgeries such as mastectomy and vaginal or penoplasty, with only a few exceptions for documented physiological conditions. I am in support of this legislation.
A Little Credit Where It’s Due
I have often been a vocal critic of Idaho’s Governor Brad Little. He represents a system of good old boys who often dabble in nepotism and cronyism… When it comes to advancing a socially conservative agenda, Brad Little has signed most of what has been put in front of him, and conservatives will have little to complain about. When it comes to advancing a fiscally conservative agenda, Little tends to fall along authoritarian lines.
CBDC & Surveillance Banking
All of the leading indicators are present, suggesting that the government is pursuing CBDC. In January 2022, the Federal Reserve published its white paper on the necessity of transforming monetary policy to digital currencies in the digital age. Between its expansion of the IRS workforce and policies targeting leakage in taxation toward lower income earners, its crackdown on alternative currencies like cryptocurrency, and now its recently announced instant payment system, FedNow, the Biden Administration is swiftly implementing a surveillance banking system.
It’s Time To Act Like Conservatives, Idaho
In recent history, Idaho has failed several measures to eliminate its property tax and grocery tax despite claims to concerns about shrinking government. Idaho has failed to pass school choice, trailing its conservative peers in advancing conservative agendas. Despite election integrity headlining the party platform, Idaho has failed to ban ballot drop boxes, is actively proposing to make our primary irrelevant, and elected the guy who brought Silicon Valley to Idaho as Secretary of State. What are we doing, Idaho?
RNC Shenanigans: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?
In one notable scene, frat pledge Chip Diller, portrayed by Actor Kevin Bacon, is hazed in ritual embarrassment by his senior Omega brothers. As he kneels on his hands and knees, his cloaked initiators paddle his bottom, at which time he winces and pleads politely, “Thank you, sir. May I have another?” This scene embodies conservatives’ repeated abuses for a perceived seat at the table of national politics. Will conservatives again bend the knee to their initiators, or will conservatives drive policy from the bottom up?
Spy Balloons & Robo Vacs
When adversarial nations fly unidentified objects over our borders, we’re paralyzed by the threat. Meanwhile, most of us whitewash the daily micro-intrusions we accept at a much more frequent pace.
The Year of No More Heroes
Given the consistency with which our idols disappointed us, my brother called 2020 the year of no more heroes and I think that aptly described it. Like pulling the mask off of a superhero and finding out they’re just your nerdy kid neighbor, the luster of celebrity wore off and a culture in decline was exposed for what it was.
The Least Of These
It is no secret that recent topics of discussion in popular American culture converge around children. From leftist indoctrination in the schools around revisionist social justice campaigns like The 1619 Project, to Critical Race Theory or Social Emotional Learning curricula, to gender ideology and transgenderism, to Drag Queen Storytime, there is a blatant focus on targeting the youth with perverse and activist ideology.
Lip Service To Liberty
The natural result of paralyzing fear is an aversion to liberty and an inclination to authoritarianism. This inclination to authoritarianism bleeds into public policy, where government bureaucrats are handed a blank check to solve all life’s problems with the stroke of a pen. Gun control, universal basic income, universal healthcare, and food security programs are all schemes of those incapable of tackling the slightest adversity or unwilling to risk failure. They desire that public safety nets be traded for a ban on ladders. If no man can climb, then no man can fall.
Make 2023 The Year Of Debate
A lack of debate has led to much recent consternation. No good thing comes from stifling debate, and an unquestioned consensus is often the tool of tyrants. Some examples of our recent abandonment of debate include our response to COVID-19, the safety of resulting mRNA vaccines, election integrity, the funding of the Ukraine War, climate alarmism, gender ideology, and more.
It’s Go Time On Election Integrity
In wanting to see the good and the bad of Idaho’s elections, I volunteered as a poll watcher in October and November of 2022. Here’s what I found.
The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder
In the history of the world, we have been subject to great leaders and despots alike, whose reigns typically last a few decades at worst, months to years on average. We’ve never been subjugated by earthly rulers for eternity. Chains and bondage have repeatedly been broken.
The Dog Ate The GOP’s Homework
One of life’s more uncomfortable feelings is arriving at an obligation unprepared. We’ve all been there at one point or another. Life gets in the way. Maybe you overbooked yourself and miss preparing for an important meeting. When we were school children, a common excuse for poor performance was “the dog ate my homework.” In our desire to skirt responsibility for our actions or lack thereof, we formulate predictably bad reasons why our current state isn’t our fault.
21st Century Robber Barons: the WEF
In the 1870s, the term “robber baron” was first used to describe an exploitative class of industrialists who utilized their wealth to create monopolies of resources and amass control in the fledgling United States. The name describes an illegitimate aristocracy of unelected plutocrats. John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie; all American industrial royalty whose names line the streets of America and the pages of our history books. One hundred fifty years later, we face a new global class of robber barons.
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
After being pummeled into submission, a good bloc of the American public feels weary and ready to accept the terms of their torturers. It’s easier to swallow if they are made to believe it was their idea, and they arrived at their conclusions by reason and not abuse. If we can harness the performance without the man, it is a win-win, right? Make no mistake, it is not the man but the performance they cannot tolerate. We’re on a globalist path, and resistance to its implementation will not be tolerated.
Downstream From Culture
A troubling aspect of our national culture is an ever-creeping slide into debasement. In this slide, we traded a cultural soul in pursuit of wholesomeness for a much darker version. There was a time when Elvis gyrating on television was on par with the red light districts of Amsterdam. Today, artists performing ritualistic, occult ceremonies is chalked up to marketing.