Before the arrival of the pilgrims of the Plymouth colony, numerous attempts to establish English settlements along the Eastern seaboard of North America had ended in the settlers’ demise. Settlements like the lost colony of Roanoke or Jamestown, Virginia, had seen most settlers perish due to disease, malnutrition, exposure to the elements, and war with native tribes. The primary difference between these past attempts and that of the Plymouth colony lay in motivation.
Category: Offsite Publication
Pieces written for offsite publication will appear in the Idaho State Journal, The American Thinker, online and in print, etc.
When You Can’t Vote Jimmy Carter Out
While the axiom of voting with our bellies has held for most of our 246-year existence, this axiom never encountered mass mail balloting, a complicit media, and a generation of godless and confused youth like ours. If the exit polling is accurate, we are to believe that abortion was the cornerstone issue of the 2022 midterms and that young women were the determinant voters. I certainly believe this is a part of the issue, in conjunction with illegitimate and insecure voting practices that were codified in the wake of COVID.
The Duplicity of RINOs
The aptly named RINO, or Republican In Name Only, refers to one who claims to agree with the conservative values of the Republican Party but consistently fails to uphold these values in government. Unlike the communal elephant, another mega-fauna species whom RINOS claim as their identity, RINOS are solitary creatures that exist only to further themselves. Much like their ungulate namesake, they’re also full of crap.
Dispelling The Myth of Ideological Neutrality in Idaho’s Education
Had the Idaho legislature not stepped in and banned the teaching of indoctrination outright, you could be assured that Idaho’s would look like much of the more progressive state-run education institutions in the country. Since the publication of such curricula is banned, your children will instead be subjected to a more subversive form of indoctrination. If the state is unable to shape the minds of the students directly, they’ll instead aim for the minds of the next generation of educators.
To The Church: Join, or Die
The Church, and resultingly the country, is on a dark and unforgiving path because our foundations are eroding and being supplanted by postmodernism. Even non-Christian scholars have noted that Christianity is the only western institution powerful enough to stop the advancement of postmodernism. If we are to escape intact, we must coalesce around He who binds and recommit His word to our hearts.
Pinocchio & The Leftist Marionettes
Whether those they promote are minors, women, ethnic, racial, or religious minorities, the left promotes those of their spectrum that they can use to deflect criticism as a character flaw of the accuser. This is how they avoid actually defending the terrible ideas that they promote. In the case of a student, it is perhaps the most insidious because they can push left-wing ideology, and the student is likely to parrot what they are told without pushback.
DeSantis: MAGA Understudy or Saboteur?
In a conversation about MAGA politics, DeSantis is the lone heir apparent of the MAGA movement in rhetoric and airtime. While his good looks, charisma, and forthright temperament make him an attractive choice for the lead role as President of the United States, his résumé takes a backseat to the publicity.
The Gift of Odysseus: Ranked-Choice Voting
Our political class understands the trojan horse concept well, and they understand that Americans are particularly susceptible to it. Americans are good people at heart, and this leaves the population subject to being taken advantage of. Many proponents of those policies which we most fiercely oppose often believe that the ideas they espouse will lead to a better future, and we all want a better future. We disagree on how it is we arrive there and what a better future looks like, and the political class is all too eager to promote those ideas that best perpetuate their influence.
What does MAGA believe?
Strictly defined, MAGA is a loosely affiliated brand of American Nationalism. It comprises all races, religions, political partisans, and sexualities. MAGA espouses the biblical principle found in Matthew 7 of addressing the planks in our own eyes before removing the specks from our brethren’s. Ironically, this is also the leftist’s favorite verse that asks us to decline judgment of their lifestyle choices lest we be judged ourselves.
Sasquatch and Idaho Democrats
On each occasion of contacting local elected democrats, it is common to be reminded that I’m not speaking with a democrat but an “Idaho democrat.” I’m sure the response would be the same should I contact any elected democrat in the state. In caveating their allegiance as Idaho democrats, we’re told that these Idaho democrats are different. These aren’t the blue-haired crazies of San Francisco, Portland, or Seattle. These are democrats of a different breed from an older generation. Perhaps more in the mold of John F. Kennedy? To this, I say, nonsense!
The Victory Garden
Victory gardens got their name during the first and second world wars. At that time, the government actively encouraged homeowners and municipalities to plant gardens to supplement their rationed diets with produce. Given our current global economic state, I have encouraged others to do the same. Here is my attempt to supplement our diet with wholesome produce.
What I Learned From The Art Teacher
I have written in the past about how it should be our objective to protect those things that make a locale worth moving to. It is a commitment that my wife and I take seriously. In Idaho, that means staunchly conservative. It means low taxes, low crime, and a commitment to family values. As a paleoconservative, in the mold of Barry Goldwater or Ron Paul, I have strong libertarian tendencies. In general, I believe in the non-aggression principle and the idea of leaving people alone. Unfortunately, the people whom you wish to leave alone often don’t reciprocate or hold the same values. Where does this leave us?
I’ll Change, Baby!
Like children testing the limits of their parents’ discipline, actors in government will not listen until there are understood consequences. That requires the public to demand accountability. It starts with not voting for the same milquetoast politicians for some antiquated strategy of electability. If you want bold and responsive leadership, you must vote for bold and responsive politicians.
Bolshevism Comes To Pocatello
For several years now, I have watched the unending drama unfold between the executive management of the City of Pocatello and its City Council. In full discretion, I live outside of the city limits, and so even though my wife runs a business within city limits and pays city taxes, we do not get a say in how they run their operations. I have generally ignored the city administration drama that headlines local papers. However, the latest drama has caught my attention, and it deserves a response.
An Appeal To Heaven
The deists believe that God, if He exists, sets the wheels of the universe in motion and otherwise doesn’t mingle in the affairs of man. This stands in contrast to founding Revolutionaries who found no redress in government and, heeding the words of 2 Chronicles, appealed to the highest authority they knew: an appeal to Heaven.
It’s Time To Lock Down Red State Elections
The reality is that burdensome progressive policy has been the best recruitment tool for conservative constituencies, and the Republican parties are just beneficiaries as the de facto alternative to the insanity. Given the short memory of the American voter, it remains to be seen whether this migration will become a net positive or negative for red America, and whether newcomers will default to the voting habits that led them to flee in the first place. One thing is for sure, as progressives migrate to freer climes, they’re bringing their horrible electoral schemes with them.
Advice For Young Men In Light of Dobbs v. Jackson
Typically, the nature of the abortion conversation tends to generate a lot of press around women and women’s rights and completely ignores the responsibility that men and young men hold in this conversation. In light of last week’s SCOTUS ruling, I think it’s important that we now address the responsibilities of men as it pertains to the abortion conversation.
A Letter to Government Template | Re: The Great Reset
Some time ago I promised some of my readers and social media followers that I was working on building a cited letter template regarding our economic downturn and the Great Reset Agenda. Readers can fill in the blanks and customize them to their liking, and send them to their representatives. I completed this template today and in fact mailed out ten copies to my Federal and State Senators, Federal and State Representatives, County Commissioners, and Mayor. Below you will find the template. It’s important that we get government officials on the record for their position on this societal planning, and that we hold their feet to the fire to oppose it.
The Tyranny of Gentility
Whether it’s naivety or simply an aversion to conflict, the gentility of conservatives has worked to our detriment. A survey of the modern American political landscape paints a disturbing picture. The double standard in how the government has come to interact with the political left versus the political right is palpable, such that permanent government bureaucracy has become indistinguishable from the Democrat Party.
Guns, Cops & Culture
I am of the mindset that the second amendment is non-negotiable, and for myself, I have moved beyond this debate. I refuse to dignify arguments that the state is here in our best interest and I only need to submit my sovereignty to them. Gun control advocates know that opponents have both statistics as well as the moral high ground on their side, and so proponents must rely on exploiting the tragedies of the few to enact their control schemes on the many.