Challenging fraud is as American as Apple Pie… or at least it should be. I recently put up this post in a hurry in order to not lose the spreadsheet created, but here is the gist of the post: Following the Capitol incursion on 01/06/2021, the press, the political class and their allies in big tech ran to frame up a narrative around irrational and unwarranted violence and an attempt to overthrow the government. This of course incited by Donald Trump. Now we know that this narrative is complete nonsense, but much of the conservative political class went along with it and used it as an opportunity to shut down objections to electoral malfeasance. As such, it is the duty of the populace to hold those elected officials accountable who are there to represent the ignored and frustrated participants of the Capitol protest. David Clements does a good job of rebutting the narrative here:
One way in which we give or withdraw consent is in our labor dollars and the resulting donations that speak on our behalf. Given the GOP response to electoral integrity concerns and the resulting impeachment votes in the House of Representatives, here is a spreadsheet of Electoral Fraud Objection, phonies, and those in the GOP who voted for impeachment. For the Objectors, there is a link to their donation page; please show them appreciation. Senators and those who made the initial objection or efforts to push the envelope like Mo Brooks are highlighted. Even if these aren’t your folks, you should donate to those in bold with a thank you message. If they’re in your state, make sure you do your duty to keep them in office. This still lacks a fraud consenters section, but will take longer as there are no lists of individuals who voted the status quo. For those that supported impeachment there is an email link and a zip code within their district to get past the email firewall. Give em heck! Spread it far and wide. Let’s show the people who did the right thing love, and give the boot to those who rubber stamped fraud.
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