Part One
So if you watched the video you’ll find a central theme is Globalism. This is a debate that has raged in this country since its founding. You were probably taught about Jeffersonian vs. Hamiltonian Democracy. Basically, a decentralized and local authority, vs. a strong and centralized authority. The debate rages on today, only it is between autonomous nation-states and a strong, centralized global authority. That is the crux of what we’re fighting.
I had first tuned in that something wasn’t right when I listened to Ron Paul. Here you have an Air Force Veteran and OBGYN, 40-year statesmen who was on record for never voting for a single tax increase in his decades of government. Massively respected by his peers and beloved by his district near Galveston TX. I learned of him in 2007 while I was working my territory in SE Georgia and there were a group of people on a street corner holding “Google Ron Paul” signs. So I did. Why didn’t your average person know that a guy like this existed in modern politics? When I heard he was running again in 2012, I threw a lot of weight behind him. I ran for and was elected Precinct Chair for the GOP in my district in Salt Lake City. I ran for and narrowly missed state delegate in UT as a non-Mormon and non-slated unknown candidate. I attended the RNC in Tampa, FL so I could attend Ron Paul’s last major speech as a candidate. But more than anything I experienced firsthand how the entrenched system treats outsiders. Jon Stewart may have been the only one to cover it.
What the general public is not aware of, is that the parties are private and they choose their own candidates. The media is comprised of 5 or so corporations that own all of it. They are nothing more than microphones for an entrenched power structure. It doesn’t know red or blue, just green. Mitt Romney was chosen by the power structure for the RNC. They changed the rules by voice vote at the RNC in 2012 to ensure it, and the largest delegation in the country (Texas) wasn’t even present. Magically their bus got lost on the way to the convention and circled Tampa for 2 hours while Reince Priebus and John Boehner took away all control from the states and handed it to the party. The Virginia Delegation wasn’t present. The RNC replaced the entire Maine Delegation for refusing to sign a loyalty pledge to Mitt Romney. This should all seem eerily similar to the DNC’s treatment of Bernie Sanders that we know about through Hillary Clinton’s emails. We know the party buried Bernie Sanders. We know that Obama left the DNC in massive debt, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid off the DNC’s debt in exchange for the nomination.
Part Two
A large part of Ron Paul’s message was in regard to expanding global governance. Around the turn of the millennium, you saw the advancement of the European Union, and a push for a similar style union in North America called the NAU. We saw proposals floating in DC for a North American currency called the Amero and the NAFTA Super Highway that would span all of North America. This would be building on Clinton’s signing of NAFTA. Every President and many influential media personalities since at least GHW Bush has discussed this end goal of establishing a New World Order. Top-down global governance. (pardon the poor quality video, but the purpose is to get actual clips from the horse’s mouths) When proponents failed to garner enough support for the NAU, I can only assume they decided to breed support into the American public by opening up the floodgates of immigration. This is why since 1980 we’ve added 40 million Latin Americans to the US population, and have an estimated 22 million undocumented immigrants that reside within our borders. This is the sticking point on immigration with Donald Trump. It is the dilution of American sovereignty by importing additional cultures that are more open to the idea of government as a source of provision.
After 9/11 they were able to implement some of these global governance objectives which account for the Iraq War, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Iran. Global hegemony is the goal, and those who stand in the way are obliterated. Muammar Gaddafi was in the process of developing an African Continent currency called the Dinar that would challenge the hegemony of the American petro-dollar because Libyan oil is traded in dollars (oil-backed dollar). What is more, it would be backed by gold and unable to be artificially inflated by governments. Where would you rather invest your money? Gold or artificial and manipulated currency? This effort was spearheaded by France, and we know from Hillary Clinton’s emails that stopping the currency was a priority.
You may or may not have noticed that policy prescriptions rarely changed between the administrations of GHW, Clinton, GW, and Obama. And they all say one thing on the campaign trail, and do whatever their handlers tell them once they get in office. It’s how we ended up with 18 years of Afghanistan War and a half dozen or so other conflicts in that time. A lot of Liberals screamed “Bush lied, people died”, but do most people know that it was the official public policy of the US to overthrow Saddam Hussein as passed by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton in the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act? They just needed the pretext to do it, and so they manufactured WMD nonsense and played on the fears of America that had just been attacked by foreign terrorists. By Donald Trump’s 2nd year, Bloomberg had declared the New World Order officially dead.
Part Three
Following a few decades of American manufacturing being sold down the river and stagnant growth, this is where Donald Trump comes in. He was a billionaire that could self-fund, and whom the politicians loved while they were getting money from him. Once he became opposition, he became the devil incarnate. Sometimes he says inflammatory things, but often it’s more a matter of press spin than what he is actually saying. Much of the public understands who it is directed at; the American political class. All of the media games they play to trash candidates like Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders, he bypasses and puts his message directly out on Social Media. And sometimes the more inflammatory the better, because the press thinks they’re using it as ammo against him, but in the process giving him free press. They were so confident in this they were publishing polls two weeks before the election in 2016 saying that Hillary had a 95% chance of winning. And this brings us to Spygate. The political class believed there was no way they could lose, so letting Hillary off the hook and spying on an opposition campaign would never see the light of day. But the unthinkable happened, and she lost. Not only did they have to run to create an explanation for the loss, but they had to go back and cover up the unmaskings, the FISA warrants, the wiretaps, the sending in of agent provocateurs like Stefan Halper, Joseph Misfud, Hank Greenberg, etc. The Russia story they had built on dirt paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, they expounded on with Obama’s Intelligence Community Assessment on Russia and worked frantically to make something of it. Well before Donald Trump took office, they knew it was bunk.
Donald Trump’s first few months in office were a furious pace of action dismantling 30 years of globalist work. He cut taxes and regulations down significantly, particularly the corporate rate to one of the lowest in the world. He ditched the Paris Accords which sought to redistribute wealth from developed nations to poor nations and in so doing, bring the US to heel with cap and trade schemes. He scratched the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which afforded collective bargaining to minor manufacturing nations so that they’d get duty-free trade to make cheap goods for sale in America at the cost of the American manufacturing base. He scratched NAFTA and replaced it with USMCA to implement stricter manufacturing requirements for foreign-produced goods, i.e. what % of products must be made in the US to avoid tariffs. He implemented reciprocal tariffs on nations that had long disproportionately applied them to US goods. He pressed NATO to cover their committed 2% defense budget increases so that the US taxpayer isn’t subsidizing the defense of all of these European Socialist states. Most importantly, he waged a trade war with China, which now sat squarely as the supply chain to the world. All of this an attempt to rebalance American trade and force our allies to act as allies. And it worked! Before this pandemic nonsense, our unemployment was historically low across all demographics. As a percentage, our GDP doubled what it did in Obama’s last year of 1.6%. Real Wage growth was on the upswing for the first time in a long time, because it became an employee’s market. When employers compete for labor, they must raise wages to attract it.
Part Four
After the Mueller appt. and Russian collusion failed, they needed to move onto the next scheme, and it happened overnight. Just after Bob Mueller testifies to Congress on the complete lack of finding anything Russian collusion, Trump is on the phone with the new Ukrainian President. He recites the circus he just sat through with Russia and asks for help getting to the bottom of it. He mentions corruption that breaches US borders and takes place under the prior US administration in Ukraine. Much of that was uncovered while Giuliani is representing Trump and trying to piece together a story of what actually happened. In the process, Ukrainians reach out to Trump and present the Biden extortion scheme to protect his son’s company. This is where Trump’s mentioning of Biden comes into play. But the National Security Council is so overrun with Obama holdovers. They were also heavily involved in Ukrainian policy with Joe Biden under the prior administration. And they concoct a whistleblower scheme by changing official rules to allow for 3rd party hearsay. It was never about Trump giving a shakedown. It was about covering up the prior administration’s shakedown. And what is happening during all of this distraction? The #GetTrumpHailMary. They knew they didn’t have the numbers for impeachment, but they were busy buying time.
Donald Trump long railed on China and their policies of slave labor and currency manipulation to route the entire global supply chain through themselves. Unfortunately, we saw the effects of this when pandemic hit and critical supply was caught up in a Communist adversary. All of his tariffs were doing real damage to China’s economy and it was set for its lowest output in a decade or more. China was the recipient of US research on gain-of-function testing in 2015. In 2014 the US put a halt to it because of the danger it posed to the public., and in 2015 that research is shifted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology under none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci with a grant for $3.7 million. Here, much of the publishing on gain-of-function testing continues even up until last fall when this thing drops. The official narrative is that the virus came from natural sources, but that looks a lot like CYA, because the US has dirty hands in this.
All this brings me to the #GetTrumpHailMary. Donald Trump has completely upended the advancement and even set back the objectives of globalism. He was set for a runaway election with the best US Economy in modern US history. The only chance was to tank the economy. China has the incentive to protect its place in the supply chain, and they have the research that the US supplied. Their response to the virus is to remain silent on the issue, silence whistleblowers, vacuum up international PPE so everyone can come running back and begging for it, and lie about the nature of the disease’s transmissibility while sending infected people throughout the world. On the advice of career bureaucrats in the United States, we shut down the global supply chain to try and stave off its advance. But the shutdown was not supported by any testable science, and it was also near exclusively drawn down political lines with the most Liberal states forcing the most draconian lockdowns and policies that resulted in the most carnage. See NY, PA, MI sending their sick patients back to the nursing homes.
In 8 weeks we have taken the best economy in modern US history and killed the jobs of 40 million people. In desperation, emergency relief is passed that incentivizes people to stay unemployed and make more money than they make working. Our food supply is shot to hell because without restaurants open, producers are dumping products. And now we’ve locked people in their homes for two months and stolen their livelihoods. What better time to incite a race riot? We knew it was in the works, and these actions are not organic. In fact, whole pallets of bricks are being left for rioters to throw. Probably by far leftists like Antifa. We know they planned to do it, and we know the DNC paid for the same thing at Trump rallies in 2016.
Countless lives have been ruined to protect this structure and if you’re asking me if this is a conspiracy to get rid of Donald Trump, my answer is emphatic, yes I believe so.
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